Why Choose Paris School Of Entrepreneurship?
Because We are the only International Business School that invest in you!
By completing your business education at the Paris School of Entrepreneurship, you’re not only receiving a better business education, but better than higher education is often expected to be.
Most employers expect it to take years to train new graduates to a level where they can add value to their operations. But by graduating from the Paris School of Entrepreneurship program you are not only graduating with a world-class degree but also international business management experience that will make your candidature and career truly exceptional!
Providing access to opportunity is what our program all about!
At our international business school, we do more than just simulate business - we engage you in real business creation, innovation, development, and consulting. Additionally, we keep class sizes small and lessons relevant to ensure your engagement, development, and real learning. This allows us to fulfill our mission by staying at the forefront of best business practices and international business education as we provide you the access you need to secure initial seed capital, leverage growth funding, benefit from experienced mentorship, and have privileged access to quality international exposure with some of the best business minds on the planet! At Paris school of Entrepreneurship, we build real entrepreneurs and guide you to the best access to and creation of your own opportunity.
By being a part of the Paris School of Entrepreneurship program you are a part of a real and compelling societal challenge.
Every student business directly and indirectly influences thousands of lives and potentially creates dozens of jobs. Entrepreneurship improves society by providing the fuel and structure to create community value, cultural engagement, wealth creation, and avenues for increased access to improved quality of life. More than just meeting societie’s economic needs, entrepreneurship is the solution to many societal problems and this solution requires entrepreneurs that are trained and ready to make a difference.
Reason #1 We believe in your potential and invest in your opportunity.
PSE INVEST IN YOU - By funding your dream.
Through our generous sponsors, we offer tuition fees at a fraction of what simular schools charge, offer merit/talent and need-based scholarships, and significant student business funding (not less than €10,000 in initial seed funding per student business).
PSE INVEST IN YOU - By being there to guide and support you.
We offer guided learning and individualized academic development. All students receive, blended learning, access to world-class conferences, and are paired with a mentor/advisor at the beginning of their program to support and guide you throughout and following your PSE program.
PSE INVEST IN YOU - By providing you opportunities to advance your being a reputable international professional.
We focus on building your entrepreneurial foundation with an international perspective and then refine your professional capacity through experiential learning. This provides complete learning and full engagement guaranteed to result in your personal growth and professional development.
Reason #2 Our program supports your growth toward becoming a world-class business professional
As a graduate of Paris School of Entrepreneurship you will achieve and obtain the following:
A world-class international business education with not less than 3 certified business compentencies and 1 business specialization
The Co-founding of not less than 2 businesses and 1 Non-Governmental Organization (NGO/501c3), with seed-funding from the Paris School of Entrepreneurship. Additional founding and funding opportunities are available.
Trilingual language abilities, speaking at least 2 languages at a fluent business level - and up to 4 languages at a conversational level.
Development of an international network and reputation as a competent business expert, through mentored international trips, conferences, seminars, and publications
Potentially, graduate with multiple degrees (double degree and certificate programs, and appropriate merit based scholarships are made available for your benefit)
“Being entrepreneurial, regardless of the size or scope of your organization, is absolutely imperative for the mindset of future business leaders.”
“Every business person (especially business students) today must understand how to think like an entrepreneur.”
Reason #3 We ensure you advantage your earnings potential to build wealth and earn more. Our program offers you market leading return on investment (ROI) by choosing us as your choice of higher education program
In considering the value of your studies you should also ask yourself: “Will my expected accumulated earnings 10 years after I start pursuing my degree be more or less than if I didn’t go to school?
Students today have options, but often times they are not clear on the cost of these options. Studying at University can open up opportunities for you, but you don’t just bear the cost of tuition. No, the true cost your studies is the cost of your tuition & fees plus the full time work earnings that you forfeit during the duration of your program of study relative to your earnings after you finish your studies.
The unfortunate reality is that many graduates often accumulate significantly less earnings for long after they graduate compared to if they hadn’t pursued their degrees.
Pursuing or not pursuing a degree is a very important investment decision. Many (some would argue that most) graduate’s paths to building wealth and a secure financial future are severly impaired by the true cost of their degrees (Tuition & Fees + Wages unearned and/or lost while pursuing your degree).
To make matters worse, many students graduate and remain unemployed or underemployed for years after they receive their degrees.
Even those students who are fortunate enough to secure good jobs have inferior accumulated earnings over the 10 year period from when they started their studies in comparision to their peers who chose alternative paths, such as not pursing a degree.
As illustrated in the following table, even over the 10 year period following the start of most programs, students are left with very low and often negative real returns on pursuing and receiving their degrees.
( Chart illustartes case of Bachelor level studies achieved).
To be clear an easier way of considering the above, is to measure the expected accumulated earnings of a normal graduate versus an average earner who has work experience but no degree. The following table illustrates the issue. To be clear, in considering Total expected accumulated earnings, a normal graduate after 10 years will only earn €1.54 for every €100 earned by someone who worked those 10 years rather than pursing a degree and then working
Another way to consider your investment in your education is from a ¨Work-Life / Career pespective¨. The following charts represent the expected earnings following a 10-year, 20-year, and 30-year period after a 2 year MBA. As we can clearly see, only the PSE Program of study (in Green) consistenly outperforms the “non degree earner”.
( Chart illustartes case of Master level studies achieved)
Consequently of the unfortunate above-stated norm, many students’ quality of life does not improve after they graduate. As a result, motivation is all but eliminated, talents are dampened, ambitions are overlooked, and ideas fade to conformity and survival tactics. The majority of students graduate with comparatively minimal net worth and significant debt, while having paid more than the cost of a house (which they can no longer afford) for an education. Additionally, most graduates are underemployed, and as underemployment perpetuates underemployment most stay that way for the majority of their career.
Institutes of Higher Education should do better. And at PSE we do better!
We integrate value creation into every element of our program allowing you to secure your future through our curriculum’s entrepreneurial focus and many growth opportunities throughout your course of studies.
Paris School of Entrepreneurship is a clear exception and realistic solution for most degree-seeking students!